


  • Upgraded to typeguard 4.

  • Privacy budgets support division, multiplication, addition and subtraction.

0.16.1 - 2024-09-04#

This is a maintenance release, with no externally-visible changes.

0.16.0 - 2024-08-21#

This release adds a new QueryBuilder.flat_map_by_id transformation, improved constraint support when using partition_and_create(), and performance improvements.



  • Significantly improved the performance of coercing Session input dataframe columns to supported types.


0.15.0 - 2024-08-12#

This release extends the get_bounds() method so it can get upper and lower bounds for each group in a dataframe. In addition, it changes the object used to represent queries to the new Query class, and updates the format in which table schemas are returned.


  • Added a dependency on the library tabulate to improve table displays from describe().

  • Added the ability to get_bounds() after calling groupby(), for determining upper and lower bounds for a column per group in a differentially private way.


  • Backwards-incompatible: The get_bounds() query now returns a dataframe when evaluated instead of a tuple.

  • Backwards-incompatible: The Session.get_schema() and KeySet.schema() methods now return a normal dictionary of column names to ColumnDescriptors, rather than a specialized Schema type. This brings them more in line with the rest of the Tumult Analytics API, but could impact code that used some functionality available through the Schema type. Uses of these methods where the result is treated as a dictionary should not be impacted.

  • QueryBuilder now returns a Query object instead of a QueryExpr or AggregatedQueryBuilder when a query is created. This should not affect code using QueryBuilder unless it directly inspects these objects.

  • GroupbyCount queries now return GroupbyCountQuery, a subclass of Query that has the suppress() post-process method.

  • evaluate() now accepts Query objects instead of QueryExpr objects.

  • Replaced asserts with custom exceptions in cases where internal errors are detected. Internal errors are now raised as AnalyticsInternalError.

  • Updated to Tumult Core 0.16.1.


  • QueryExprs (previously in have been removed from the Tumult Analytics public API. Queries should be created using QueryBuilder, which returns a new Query when a query is created.

  • Removed the query_expr attribute from the QueryBuilder class.

  • Removed support for Pandas 1.2 and 1.3 due to a known bug in Pandas versions below 1.4.

0.14.0 - 2024-07-18#

Tumult Analytics 0.14.0 introduces experimental support for Python 3.12. Full support for Python 3.12 and Pandas 2 will not be available until the release of PySpark 4.0. In addition, Python 3.7 is no longer supported.

In addition, this release deprecates the module. Use of QueryExpr and its subtypes to create queries has been discouraged for a long time, and these types will be removed from the Tumult Analytics API in an upcoming release. Other types from this module have been moved into the module, though they may be imported from either until the query_expr module is removed.


  • Tumult Analytics now has experimental support for Python 3.12 using Pandas 2.


  • Mechanism enums (e.g. CountMechanism) should now be imported from The current query expression module ( will be removed from the public API in an upcoming release.


  • Removed support for Python 3.7.


  • QueryExprs (previously in will be removed from the Tumult Analytics public API in an upcoming release. Queries should be created using QueryBuilder instead.

0.13.0 - 2024-07-03#

This release makes some supporting classes immutable.


0.12.0 - 2024-06-18#

This release adds support for left public joins.


  • Added support for left public joins to join_public(), previously only inner joins were supported.

0.11.0 - 2024-06-05#

This release introduces support in the query language for suppressing aggregates below a certain threshold, providing an easier and clearer way to express queries where small values must be dropped due to potentially-high noise.

For macOS users, it also introduces native support for Apple silicon, allowing Tumult Analytics to be used on ARM-based Macs without the need for Rosetta. Take a look at the updated installation guide for more information about this. If you have an existing installation that uses Rosetta, ensure that you are using a supported native Python installation when switching over. Users with Intel-based Macs should not be affected.


  • Added a query type, for suppressing aggregates less than a certain threshold. This is currently only supported for post-processing queries. These can be built using the QueryBuilder by calling AggregatedQueryBuilder.suppress after building a GroupByCount query. As part of this change, query builders now return an instead of a when aggregating; the can be passed to Session.evaluate so most existing code should not need to be migrated.

  • Added cache() and uncache() methods to KeySet for caching and uncaching the underlying Spark dataframe. These methods can be used to improve performance because KeySets follow Spark’s lazy evaluation model.


0.10.2 - 2024-05-31#


  • Column order is now preserved when selecting columns from a KeySet.

0.10.1 - 2024-05-28#

This release contains no externally-visible changes from the previous version.

0.10.0 - 2024-05-17#

This release adds a new get_bounds() aggregation. It also includes performance improvements for KeySets, and other quality-of-life improvements.


  • Added the QueryBuilder.get_bounds function, for determining upper and lower bounds for a column in a differentially private way.


  • If a Builder has only one private dataframe and that dataframe uses the AddRowsWithID protected change, the relevant ID space will automatically be added to the Builder when build() is called.

  • KeySet is now an abstract class, in order to make some KeySet operations (column selection after cross-products) more efficient. Behavior is unchanged for users of the from_dict() and from_dataframe() constructors.


  • Stopped trying to set extra options for Java 11 and removed error when options are not set. Removed get_java_11_config().

  • Updated minimum supported Spark version to 3.1.1 to prevent Java 11 error.

0.9.0 - 2024-04-16#

This is a maintenance release, fixing a number of bugs and improving our API documentation.

Note that the 0.9.x release series will be the last to support Python 3.7, which has not been receiving security updates for several months. If this is a problem, please reach out to us.




  • The error message when attempting to overspend an ApproxDPBudget now more clearly indicates which component of the budget was insufficient to evaluate the query.

  • QueryBuilder.get_groups now automatically excludes ID columns if no columns are specified.

  • Flat maps now correctly ignore max_rows when it does not apply. Previously they would raise a warning saying that max_rows was ignored, but would still use it to limit the number of rows in the output.

0.8.3 - 2024-02-27#

This is a maintenance release that adds support for newer versions of Tumult Core. It contains no API changes.

0.8.2 - 2023-11-29#

This release addresses a serious security vulnerability in PyArrow: CVE-2023-47248. It is strongly recommended that all users update to this version of Analytics or apply one of the mitigations described in the GitHub Advisory.


  • Increased minimum supported version of Tumult Core to 0.11.5. As a result:

    • Increased the minimum supported version of PyArrow to 14.0.1 for Python 3.8 and above.

    • Added dependency on pyarrow-hotfix on Python 3.7. Note that if you are using Python 3.7, the hotfix must be imported before using PySpark in order to be effective. Analytics imports the hotfix, so importing Analytics before using Spark will also work.

0.8.1 - 2023-10-30#

This release adds support for Python 3.11, as well as compatibility with newer versions of various dependencies, including PySpark. It also includes documentation improvements, but no API changes.

0.8.0 - 2023-08-15#

This is a maintenance release that addresses a performance regression for complex queries and improves naming consistency in some areas of the Tumult Analytics API.


  • Added the QueryBuilder.get_groups function, for determining groupby keys for a table in a differentially private way.


  • Backwards-incompatible: Renamed DropExcess.max_records to max_rows.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Renamed FlatMap.max_num_rows to FlatMap.max_rows.

  • Changed the name of an argument for QueryBuilder.flat_map() from max_num_rows to max_rows. The old max_num_rows argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


  • Upgrades to version 0.11 of Tumult Core. This addresses a performance issue introduced in Tumult Analytics 0.7.0 where some complex queries compiled much more slowly than they had previously.

0.7.3 - 2023-07-13#


  • Fixed a crash in public and private joins.

0.7.2 - 2023-06-15#

This release adds support for running Tumult Analytics on Python 3.10. It also enables adding continuous Gaussian noise to query results, and addresses a number of bugs and API inconsistencies.


  • Tumult Analytics now supports Python 3.10 in addition to the previously-supported versions.

  • Queries evaluated with zCDP budgets can now use continuous Gaussian noise, allowing the use of Gaussian noise for queries with non-integer results.


  • The QueryBuilder.replace_null_and_nan() and QueryBuilder.drop_null_and_nan() methods now accept empty column specifications on tables with an AddRowsWithID protected change. Replacing/dropping nulls on ID columns is still not allowed, but the ID column will now automatically be excluded in this case rather than raising an exception.

  • BinningSpec.bins() used to only include the NaN bin if the provided bin edges were floats. However, float-valued columns can be binned with integer bin edges, which resulted in a confusing situation where a BinningSpec could indicate that it would not use a NaN bin but still place values in the NaN bin. To avoid this, BinningSpec.bins() now always includes the NaN bin if one was specified, regardless of whether the bin edge type can represent NaN values.

  • The automatically-generated bin names in BinningSpec now quote strings when they are used as bin edges. For example, the bin generated by BinningSpec(["0", "1"]) is now ['0', '1'] where it was previously [0, 1]. Bins with edges of other types are not affected.


  • Creating a Session with multiple tables in an ID space used to fail if some of those tables’ ID columns allowed nulls and others did not. This no longer occurs, and in such cases all of the tables’ ID columns are made nullable.

0.7.1 - 2023-05-23#

This is a maintenance release that mainly contains documentation updates. It also fixes a bug where installing Tumult Analytics using pip 23 and above could fail due to a dependency mismatch.

0.7.0 - 2023-04-27#

This release adds support for privacy identifiers: Tumult Analytics can now protect input tables in which the differential privacy guarantee needs to hide the presence of arbitrarily many rows sharing the same value in a particular column. For example, this may be used to protect each user of a service when every row in a table is associated with a user ID.

Privacy identifiers are set up using the new AddRowsWithID protected change. A number of features have been added to the API to support this, including alternative behaviors for various query transformations when working with IDs and the new concept of constraints. To get started with these features, take a look at the new Working with privacy IDs and Doing more with privacy IDs tutorials.



  • QueryBuilder.join_private() now accepts the name of a private table as right_operand. For example, QueryBuilder("table").join_private("foo") is equivalent to QueryBuilder("table").join_private(QueryBuilder("foo")).

  • The max_num_rows parameter to QueryBuilder.flat_map() is now optional when applied to tables with an AddRowsWithID protected change.

  • Backwards-incompatible: The parameters to QueryBuilder.flat_map() have been reordered, moving max_num_rows to be the last parameter.

  • Backwards-incompatible: The lower and upper bounds for quantile, sum, average, variance, and standard deviation queries can no longer be equal to one another. The lower bound must now be strictly less than the upper bound.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Renamed QueryBuilder.filter() predicate argument to condition.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Renamed query expression predicate property to condition.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Renamed KeySet.filter() expr argument to condition.




  • Session.add_public_datafame() used to allow creation of a public table with the same name as an existing public table, which was neither intended nor fully supported by some Session methods. It now raises a ValueError in this case.

  • Some query patterns on tables containing nulls could cause grouped aggregations to produce the wrong set of group keys in their output. This no longer happens.

  • In certain unusual cases, join transformations could erroneously drop rows containing nulls in columns that were not being joined on. These rows are no longer dropped.

0.6.1 - 2022-12-07#

This is a maintenance release which introduces a number of documentation improvements, but has no publicly-visible API changes.

0.6.0 - 2022-12-06#

This release introduces a new way to specify what unit of data is protected by the privacy guarantee of a Session. A new protected_change parameter is available when creating a Session, taking an instance of the new ProtectedChange class which describes the largest unit of data in the resulting table on which the differential privacy guarantee will hold. See the documentation for the protected_change module for more information about the available protected changes and how to use them.

The stability and grouping_column parameters which were used to specify this information are still accepted, and work as before, but they will be deprecated and eventually removed in future releases. The default behavior of assuming stability=1 if no other information is given will also be deprecated and removed, on a similar timeline to stability and grouping_column; instead, explicitly specify protected_change=AddOneRow(). These changes should make the privacy guarantees provided by the Session interface easier to understand and harder to misuse, and allow for future support for other units of protection that were not representable with the existing API.


0.5.1 - 2022-11-16#


  • Updated to Tumult Core 0.6.0.

0.5.0 - 2022-10-17#


  • Added a diagram to the API reference page.

  • Analytics now does an additional Spark configuration check for users running Java 11+ at the time of Analytics Session initialization. If the user is running Java 11 or higher with an incorrect Spark configuration, Analytics raises an informative exception.

  • Added a method to check that basic Analytics functionality works (


  • Backwards-incompatible: Changed argument names for QueryBuilder.count_distinct and KeySet.__getitem__ from cols to columns, for consistency. The old argument has been deprecated, but is still available.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Changed the argument name for Session.partition_and_create from attr_name to column. The old argument has been deprecated, but is still available.

  • Improved the error message shown when a filter expression is invalid.

  • Updated to Tumult Core 0.5.0. As a result, python-flint is no longer a transitive dependency, simplifying the Analytics installation process.


  • The contents of the cleanup module have been moved to the utils module. The cleanup module will be removed in a future version.

0.4.2 - 2022-09-06#


  • Switched to Core version 0.4.3 to avoid warnings when evaluating some queries.

0.4.1 - 2022-08-25#


  • Added QueryBuilder.histogram function, which provides a shorthand for generating binned data counts.

  • Analytics now checks to see if the user is running Java 11 or higher. If they are, Analytics either sets the appropriate Spark options (if Spark is not yet running) or raises an informative exception (if Spark is running and configured incorrectly).


  • Improved documentation for and QueryBuilder.flat_map.


  • Switched to Core version 0.4.2, which contains a fix for an issue that sometimes caused queries to fail to be compiled.

0.4.0 - 2022-07-22#


  • Session.from_dataframe and Session.Builder.with_private_dataframe now have a grouping_column option and support non-integer stabilities. This allows setting up grouping columns like those that result from grouping flatmaps when loading data. This is an advanced feature, and should be used carefully.

0.3.0 - 2022-06-23#


  • Added QueryBuilder.bin_column and an associated BinningSpec type.

  • Dates may now be used in KeySets.

  • Added support for DataFrames containing NaN and null values. Columns created by Map and FlatMap are now marked as potentially containing NaN and null values.

  • Added QueryBuilder.replace_null_and_nan function, which replaces null and NaN values with specified defaults.

  • Added QueryBuilder.replace_infinite function, which replaces positive and negative infinity values with specified defaults.

  • Added QueryBuilder.drop_null_and_nan function, which drops null and NaN values for specified columns.

  • Added QueryBuilder.drop_infinite function, which drops infinite values for specified columns.

  • Aggregations (sum, quantile, average, variance, and standard deviation) now silently drop null and NaN values before being performed.

  • Aggregations (sum, quantile, average, variance, and standard deviation) now silently clamp infinite values (+infinity and -infinity) to the query’s lower and upper bounds.

  • Added a cleanup module with two functions: a cleanup function to remove the current temporary table (which should be called before spark.stop()), and a remove_all_temp_tables function that removes all temporary tables ever created by Analytics.

  • Added a topic guide in the documentation for Tumult Analytics’ treatment of null, NaN, and infinite values.


  • Backwards-incompatible: Sessions no longer allow DataFrames to contain a column named "" (the empty string).

  • Backwards-incompatible: You can no longer call Session.Builder.with_privacy_budget multiple times on the same builder.

  • Backwards-incompatible: You can no longer call Session.add_private_data multiple times with the same source id.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Sessions now use the DataFrame’s schema to determine which columns are nullable.


  • Backwards-incompatible: Removed groupby_public_source and groupby_domains from QueryBuilder.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Session.from_csv and CSV-related methods on Session.Builder have been removed. Instead, use along with Session.from_dataframe and other dataframe-based methods.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Removed validate option from Session.from_dataframe, Session.add_public_dataframe, Session.Builder.with_private_dataframe, Session.Builder.with_public_dataframe.

  • Backwards-incompatible: Removed KeySet.contains_nan_or_null.


  • Backwards-incompatible: KeySets now explicitly check for and disallow the use of floats and timestamps as keys. This has always been the intended behavior, but it was previously not checked for and could work or cause non-obvious errors depending on the situation.

  • KeySet.dataframe() now always returns a dataframe where all rows are distinct.

  • Under certain circumstances, evaluating a GroupByCountDistinct query expression used to modify the input QueryExpr. This no longer occurs.

  • It is now possible to partition on a column created by a grouping flat map, which used to raise exception from Core.

0.2.1 - 2022-04-14 (internal release)#


  • Added support for basic operations (filter, map, etc.) on Spark date and timestamp columns. ColumnType has two new variants, DATE and TIMESTAMP, to support these.

  • Future documentation will now include any exceptions defined in Analytics.


  • Switch session to use Persist/Unpersist instead of Cache.

0.2.0 - 2022-03-28 (internal release)#


  • Multi-query evaluate support is entirely removed.

  • Columns that are neither floats nor doubles will no longer be checked for NaN values.

  • The BIT variant of the ColumnType enum was removed, as it was not supported elsewhere in Analytics.


  • Backwards-incompatible: Renamed query_exprs parameter in Session.evaluate to query_expr.

  • Backwards-incompatible: QueryBuilder.join_public and the JoinPublic query expression can now accept public tables specified as Spark dataframes. The existing behavior using public source IDs is still supported, but the public_id parameter/property is now called public_table.

  • Installation on Python 3.7.1 through 3.7.3 is now allowed.

  • KeySets now do type coercion on creation, matching the type coercion that Sessions do for private sources.

  • Sessions created by partition_and_create must be used in the order they were created, and using the parent session will forcibly close all child sessions. Sessions can be manually closed with session.stop().


  • Joining with a public table that contains no NaNs, but has a column where NaNs are allowed, previously caused an error when compiling queries. This is now handled correctly.

0.1.1 - 2022-02-28 (internal release)#


  • Added a KeySet class, which will eventually be used for all GroupBy queries.

  • Added QueryBuilder.groupby(), a new group-by based on KeySets.


  • The Analytics library now uses KeySet and QueryBuilder.groupby() for all GroupBy queries.

  • The various Session methods for loading in data from CSV no longer support loading the data’s schema from a file.

  • Made Session return a more user-friendly error message when the user provides a privacy budget of 0.

  • Removed all instances of the old name of this library, and replaced them with “Analytics”


  • QueryBuilder.groupby_domains() and QueryBuilder.groupby_public_source() are now deprecated in favor of using QueryBuilder.groupby() with KeySets. They will be removed in a future version.

0.1.0 - 2022-02-15 (internal release)#


  • Initial release.