Doing more with privacy IDs#

In the previous tutorial, we covered the basics of privacy IDs: how to initialize a Session where each person appears in multiple rows, and run simple queries. But privacy IDs also make it easier to run more complex queries, especially those involving multiple tables. In this tutorial, we will build a Session that protects library patrons across multiple tables, and highlight the differences that arise when performing queries on tables with or without privacy IDs.


We import the same collection of packages as in the previous tutorial:

from pyspark import SparkFiles
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from import BinningSpec
from import MaxRowsPerID
from import KeySet
from import PureDPBudget
from import AddRowsWithID
from import QueryBuilder, ColumnType
from import Session

We’ll use the same checkout logs dataset from the previous tutorial, as well as the library members dataset used in all other tutorials:

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
checkouts_df =
    SparkFiles.get("checkout-logs.csv"), header=True, inferSchema=True
members_df =
    SparkFiles.get("library-members.csv"), header=True, inferSchema=True

Initializing a Session with multiple IDs tables#

Notice that both of the dataframes we’ve loaded share a common identifier: the ID associated with each library member. Our goal is to construct a Session that protects the addition or removal of arbitrarily many rows that share the same ID, in both tables. To do so, we have to use the AddRowsWithID protected change again, but we also have to indicate that both tables share the same ID space. This is done as follows.

budget = PureDPBudget(float("inf")) # infinite budget for the session
id_space = "member_id_space"
session = (
        protected_change=AddRowsWithID(id_column="member_id", id_space=id_space),
        protected_change=AddRowsWithID(id_column="id", id_space=id_space),

print(f"Private dataframes: {session.private_sources}")
 Private dataframes: ['members', 'checkouts']

The Session.Builder.with_id_space method and the AddRowsWithID protected change work together to accomplish our desired notion of privacy.

  • The with_id_space function defines our ID space, member_id_space. This is how we indicate that the same person is associated with the same ID in both tables.

  • This ID space is then specified to AddRowsWithID’s identifier parameter, while the id_column parameter indicates which column in the dataframe contains the IDs.

With this information, the resulting Session now protects each library member in both tables, irrespective of the number of rows each person contributed to each table.

A more complex query#

To highlight some of the differences that arise when performing transformations with IDs, we’ll walk through a slightly more complex query than was covered in the previous tutorial. Suppose we want to find out the relationship between the age of library members and the genres of books they read most. This information is split across our two private tables. We will perform this computation in three stages.

  • First, since each book in the checkouts table can be associated with more than one genre, we will expand this table to break out each genre for a book into a separate row.

  • Second, we will join the expanded checkouts data with the library members data, using the members ID as a join key.

  • Finally, we will group the joined table by age group and genres, and obtain counts by genres.

Flat maps#

First, let’s expand the checkout dataframe to associate each book to its genres, with each genre on its own separate row. To do this, we apply a QueryBuilder.flat_map and save it as a view in our existing session.

        lambda row: [{"genre": genre} for genre in row["genres"].split(",")],
        {"genre": ColumnType.VARCHAR},
print(f"Private dataframes: {session.private_sources}")
 Private dataframes: ['checkouts_single_genre', 'members', 'checkouts']

We now have an expanded version of our checkouts table that contains one genre per row.

This example is much like the flat map from the simple transformations tutorial, but there is one key difference: we do not need to provide a max_rows parameter to the flat_map. The reason is that we are protecting the number of unique IDs in the table, not the number of rows. Thus, we can generate arbitrarily many new rows per ID without needing to truncate the output table at this stage.

Private joins#

Our next step is to join the view we just generated with the library members data and get counts of books read, by genre, for members of each education level.

First, we join the dataframes, and hold the result in another in-session view:


The join produces an error, because the ID columns in the two tables have different names:

Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Private joins between tables with the AddRowsWithID protected change are
only possible when the ID columns of the two tables have the same name

To fix this, we can use the QueryBuilder.rename method to rename the ID column in the members table to match the ID column in the checkouts table:

    .join_private(QueryBuilder("members").rename({"id": "member_id"})),
print(f"Private dataframes: {session.private_sources}")
Private dataframes: ['checkouts_joined', 'checkouts_single_genre', 'members', 'checkouts']

Let’s inspect the result of the join to make sure it looks right:

Column Name       Column Type    ID Col    ID Space         Nullable
----------------  -------------  --------  ---------------  ----------
member_id         INTEGER        True      member_id_space  True
checkout_date     TIMESTAMP      False                      True
title             VARCHAR        False                      True
author            VARCHAR        False                      True
isbn              VARCHAR        False                      True
publication_date  INTEGER        False                      True
publisher         VARCHAR        False                      True
genres            VARCHAR        False                      True
genre             VARCHAR        False                      True
name              VARCHAR        False                      True
age               INTEGER        False                      True
gender            VARCHAR        False                      True
education_level   VARCHAR        False                      True
zip_code          VARCHAR        False                      True
books_borrowed    INTEGER        False                      True
favorite_genres   VARCHAR        False                      True
date_joined       DATE           False                      True

Using join_private() on two private tables in the same ID space works seamlessly as long as the ID columns are part of the join and have the same name in both tables. Like with flat_map(), no truncation is necessary.

Computing the statistic#

Next, we define a KeySet with age groups and the subset of genres we’re interested in for the analysis…

# Define age groups
# bin edges are [0, 20, 40, ... , 100]
age_binspec = BinningSpec(bin_edges = [20*i for i in range(0, 6)])
binned_age_genre_keys = KeySet.from_dict(
        "binned_age": age_binspec.bins(),
        "genre": [

… and use it to group the data and count:

genre_by_age = session.evaluate(
    .bin_column("age", age_binspec, name="binned_age")

Now that our dataset contains all the information we need to determine the relationship between age and genre of choice, we can do a little bit of wrangling and then visualize the result:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
# convert binned_age to categorical for ease of plotting
genre_by_age["binned_age"] = pd.Categorical(genre_by_age["binned_age"], age_binspec.bins())
age_counts = (
    .rename(columns={"count": "age_count"})
# compute percentage of each genre in each age group, replace negative values with 0
genre_by_age_pct = genre_by_age.join(age_counts, on="binned_age")
genre_by_age_pct["pct"] = genre_by_age_pct["count"] / genre_by_age_pct["age_count"] * 100
genre_by_age_pct["pct"] = genre_by_age_pct["pct"].clip(lower=0)

ax = sns.barplot(
ax.set(xlabel="Age Group", ylabel="Genre (%)", title="Reading Preferences by Age")
sns.move_legend(ax, "upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), ncol=1, title="Genre")
A bar chart showing genre preferences for different age groups.

Interesting! It looks like children are the only readers of children’s books. We may have expected as much, but what else can we learn from this chart?

A note on Session initialization#

You might have noticed that in the Session initialization step, we loaded the members table using the AddRowsWithID protected change; even though in tutorials 1 through 5, we used it with AddOneRow. For this table, both options are possible: there is exactly one row per person, and a unique identifier for each person. In such cases, which protected change should you choose?

Typically, the right choice is to use AddRowsWithID, for a couple of reasons.

  • Data preparation is generally more convenient when using privacy IDs, because you don’t need to worry about truncating your data (when performing e.g. flat maps or joins) until immediately before aggregation.

  • Truncation as a last step before aggregation can lead to better utility. Plus, if you want to compute multiple aggregations, you might also want to use different truncation parameters for each.