Building queries#

The QueryBuilder class allows users to construct differentially private queries using a PySpark-like syntax.

QueryBuilder implements transformations such as joins, maps, or filters. Using a transformation method returns a new QueryBuilder with that transformation applied. To re-use the transformations in a QueryBuilder as the base for multiple queries, users can create a view using create_view() and write queries on that view.

QueryBuilder instances can also have an aggregation like count() applied to them, potentially after a groupby(), yielding an object that can be passed to evaluate() to obtain differentially private results to the query.

QueryBuilder initialization#

QueryBuilder initialization is very simple: the only argument of the constructor is the table on which to apply the query.


High-level interface for specifying DP queries.


QueryBuilders implement a variety of transformations, which all yield a new QueryBuilder instance with that transformation applied. At this stage, the query cannot yet be evaluated in a differentially private manner, but users can create views using create_view() on a transformation.

Schema manipulation#

Transformations that manipulate table schemas.

Selects the specified columns, dropping the others.


Renames one or more columns in the table.

Special value handling#

Transformations that replace or remove special column values such as null values, NaN values, or infinity values.


Replaces null and NaN values in specified columns.


Removes rows containing null or NaN values.


Replaces +inf and -inf values in specified columns.


Remove rows containing infinite values.

Filters and maps#

Transformations that remove or modify rows of private tables, according to user-specified predicates or functions.


Filter rows matching a condition., new_column_types[, augment])

Applies a mapping function to each row.

QueryBuilder.flat_map(f, new_column_types[, ...])

Applies a mapping function to each row, returning zero or more rows.

QueryBuilder.flat_map_by_id(f, new_column_types)

Applies a transformation to each group of records sharing an ID.


A transformation that groups together nearby values in numerical, date, or timestamp columns, according to user-specified bins.

QueryBuilder.bin_column(column, spec[, name])

Creates a new column by assigning the values in a given column to bins.

BinningSpec(bin_edges[, names, right, ...])

A spec object defining an operation where values are assigned to bins.


enforce() truncates the sensitive data to limit the maximum impact of the protected change. More information about it can be found in the Working with privacy IDs tutorial.


Enforces a Constraint on the table.


Base class representing a known, enforceable fact about a table.


A constraint limiting the number of rows associated with each ID in a table.

MaxGroupsPerID(grouping_column, max)

A constraint limiting the number of distinct groups per ID.

MaxRowsPerGroupPerID(grouping_column, max)

A constraint limiting rows per unique (ID, grouping column) pair in a table.


Transformations that join the sensitive data with public, non-sensitive data, or with another sensitive data source.

QueryBuilder.join_public(public_table[, ...])

Joins the table with a DataFrame or a public source.

QueryBuilder.join_private(right_operand[, ...])

Join the table with another QueryBuilder.


A transformation that groups the data by the value of one or more columns. The group-by keys can be specified using a KeySet; more information about it can be found in the Group-by queries tutorial. The transformation returns a GroupedQueryBuilder, a object representing a partial query on which only aggregations can be run.


Groups the query by the given set of keys, returning a GroupedQueryBuilder.


A class containing a set of values for specific columns.


A QueryBuilder that is grouped by a set of columns and can be aggregated.


These aggregations return a Query that can be evaluated with differential privacy. They can be used after a groupby() operation on a GroupedQueryBuilder, or on a QueryBuilder directly.

QueryBuilder.count([name, mechanism])

Returns a count query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.count_distinct([columns, name, ...])

Returns a count_distinct query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.sum(column, low, high[, name, ...])

Returns a sum query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.average(column, low, high[, ...])

Returns an average query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.variance(column, low, high[, ...])

Returns a variance query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.stdev(column, low, high[, ...])

Returns a standard deviation query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.quantile(column, quantile, low, ...)

Returns a quantile query ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.median(column, low, high[, name])

Returns a quantile query requesting a median value, ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.min(column, low, high[, name])

Returns a quantile query requesting a minimum value, ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.max(column, low, high[, name])

Returns a quantile query requesting a maximum value, ready to be evaluated.

QueryBuilder.histogram(column, bin_edges[, name])

Returns a count query containing the frequency of values in specified column.


Returns a query that gets combinations of values in the listed columns.

QueryBuilder.get_bounds(column[, ...])

Returns a query that gets approximate upper and lower bounds for a column.

Queries and post-processing#

These classes are returned by aggregations, and can be passed to evaluate(). Some of them, notably group-by counts, support additional post-processing operations that can be performed at the same time as query evaluation.


A complete query, ready to be evaluated in a differentially private manner.


Stores the plan for a differentially private groupby count calculation.


Returns a new query with an added postprocessing thresholding step.

Evaluating queries#

The evaluate() method is the main function used to compute queries with differential privacy. QueryBuilders can also be used to create views using create_view.

The Session also provides methods to add public tables and perform parallel partitioning.

Session.evaluate(query_expr, privacy_budget)

Answers a query within the given privacy budget and returns a Spark dataframe.

Session.create_view(query_expr, source_id, cache)

Creates a new view from a transformation and possibly cache it.


Deletes a view and decaches it if it was cached.

Session.add_public_dataframe(source_id, ...)

Adds a public data source to the session.

Session.partition_and_create(source_id, ...)

Returns new sessions from a partition mapped to split name/source_id.


Closes out this Session, allowing other Sessions to become active.

Column types and descriptors#

Objects and classes used to describe the schema of tables in a Session.


The supported SQL92 column types used by Tumult Analytics.


Information about a column.


Default values for each type of column in Tumult Analytics.