
from import Session

Describes this session, or one of its tables, or the result of a query.

If obj is not specified, session.describe() will describe the Session and all of the tables it contains.

If obj is a QueryBuilder or Query, session.describe(obj) will describe the table that would result from that query if it were applied to the Session.

If obj is a string, session.describe(obj) will describe the table with that name. This is a shorthand for session.describe(QueryBuilder(obj)).


>>> # describe a session, "sess"
>>> sess.describe() 
The session has a remaining privacy budget of PureDPBudget(epsilon=1).
The following private tables are available:
Table 'my_private_data' (no constraints):
Column Name    Column Type    Nullable
-------------  -------------  ----------
A              VARCHAR        True
B              INTEGER        True
X              INTEGER        True
>>> # describe a query object
>>> query = QueryBuilder("my_private_data").drop_null_and_nan(["B", "X"])
>>> sess.describe(query) 
Column Name    Column Type    Nullable
-------------  -------------  ----------
A              VARCHAR        True
B              INTEGER        False
X              INTEGER        False
>>> # describe a table by name
>>> sess.describe("my_private_data") 
Column Name    Column Type    Nullable
-------------  -------------  ----------
A              VARCHAR        True
B              INTEGER        True
X              INTEGER        True

obj (Union[QueryBuilder, GroupedQueryBuilder, Query, str, None]) – The table or query to be described, or None to describe the whole Session.

Return type:
