from tmlt.tune import SessionProgramTuner
- class SessionProgramTuner.Builder#
The builder for a specific subclass of SessionProgramTuner.
- build()#
Returns an instance of the matching
subtype.- Return type:
- with_cache()#
Enables caching for the object being built.
- with_id_space(id_space)#
Adds an identifier space.
This defines a space of identifiers that map 1-to-1 to the identifiers being protected by a table with the
protected change. Any table with such a protected change must be a member of some identifier space.
- with_parameter(name, value)#
Set the value of a parameter.
- with_privacy_budget(privacy_budget)#
Set the privacy budget for the object being built.
- with_private_dataframe(source_id, dataframe, protected_change)#
Add a tunable private dataframe to the builder.
- Return type: