Synthetic data optimization guide#


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In this topic guide, we will outline a few common strategies to optimize the privacy-utility trade-off when using Tumult Synthetics to generate differentially private synthetic data.

Choosing the measurement strategy#

The measurement strategy passed in the measurement_strategy argument of generate_synthetic_data() is one of the key choices that impacts the utility of the generated synthetic data. Put simply, the measurement strategy determines what distributional properties of the original dataset will be best captured.

Single-column vs. multi-columns marginals#

The simplest option, useful when building a first prototype, is to measure the column-wise distribution of all categorical columns. This is done using FixedMarginals with one Count marginal for each column. This will preserve the distribution of values within individual columns, but not between groups of columns.

Depending on the use case for synthetic data, it is often desirable to preserve correlations between pairs of columns. Using a Count marginal initialized with categorical columns col_a and col_b will preserve the correlations between these columns. Similarly, computing the marginal distribution across more columns will attempt to preserve the correlations between all these columns at once.

It can thus be tempting to measure all the columns at once, or all pairs of columns in the input dataset. However, there are two fundamental trade-offs that mean that such naive strategies are rarely optimal.

  1. When measuring a marginal distribution across a large number of columns, more (if not almost all) combinations of column values will be associated with very few distinct data points. When adding differentially private noise to this count, the noise will tend to overwhelm the signal, leading to poor utility. We discuss this more in detail in the next section.

  2. The privacy budget is split across all the marginals that are being measured. Therefore, if there are a very large number of marginals, the privacy budget associated with each will be very small, leading to very noisy results: the distributions and correlations will be captured inaccurately. We discuss this in more detail in a follow-up section.

Generally, it is a good practice to start with a simple strategy, and iteratively add more complex marginals as needed.

The impact of sparsity#

When computing a Count marginal, for a fixed privacy budget, the noise added to the count of each combination of column values will have a fixed variance. Therefore, it will have a small impact if the real counts are large, but can lead to significant inaccuracy if the real counts are very small. When deciding whether or not a marginal is worth including, it is worth considering its sparsity: if most combinations of column values appear only a few times in the dataset, the additional marginal will likely not bring a significant gain in utility.

A common way to deal with sparsity issues is to use binning: if a categorical column is a date, a timestamp, or a numeric value, the binning_specs argument from generate_synthetic_data() can be used to specify how the data is binned. Increasing the binning size can be helpful to group more values together, reducing sparsity at the cost of more granular measurements. Trying out different binning strategies can be a good way of iteratively improving the utility of the synthetic data.

Splitting the privacy budget#

By default, the privacy budget will be split evenly across all marginals. This is a good first choice when prototyping, but rarely an optimal strategy. Instead of using this default splitting strategy, users may specify the weight argument in each marginal: then, the budget is split proportionally to this parameter, so marginals with larger weights will be measured more accurately. This can be useful to preserve certain particularly important correlations with a higher accuracy, at the cost of lower accuracy of less-important marginals. This can also be used to counterbalance the effects of sparsity, by using more budget on the marginals where each combination of column values is associated with only a few records.

Choosing clamping and truncation bounds#

To generate synthetic data with numeric columns, it is necessary to specify clamping bounds using the ClampingBounds class. All input records whose value for the numeric column is outside of these bounds will be modified to fit within these bounds, as explained in the tutorial about numerical aggregations. And the trade-off described in this tutorial also applies for synthetic data generation: larger clamping bounds will lead to more noise added to the corresponding Sum marginal, but tighter bounds can also bring bias if too many values are clamped.

As a rule of thumb, clamping bounds should generally cover about 95% of the input values, or more if there are no large outliers. When it is impossible to determine clamping bounds a priori, the get_bounds() aggregation can be used on the Session aggregation before calling generate_synthetic_data() to automatically determine reasonable values of clamping bounds, at a small cost in privacy budget. Afterwards, it can be worthwhile to try different values of clamping bounds to see which one provides the best trade-off between accuracy and bias.

When generating synthetic data on a table initialized with privacy IDs, using the AddRowsWithID protected change, the max_rows_per_id argument must be used when calling generate_synthetic_data(). This argument determines how many rows per privacy ID are kept in the original data prior to measurement, and involves a similar trade-off as clamping bounds: larger values will lead to more noise but keep more data, while smaller values will reduce the noise but might introduce bias when dropping records. The same 95% rule of thumb applies, and it is also valuable to experiment with different values to determine an optimal choice.

Using public data#

Sensitive datasets frequently contain columns with data that is not sensitive in nature, and can be derived from other columns. For example, a dataset could have a column containing ZIP codes and another containing U.S. states: the latter can be determined from the former using a public (non-sensitive) lookup table.

In such situations, it is often simpler to use only the most granular column (or the foreign key to the public table) as a categorical column during synthetic data generation, and re-add all other attributes using the public lookup table afterwards.

Resolving inconsistencies#

Synthetic data generated with a simple strategy might have inconsistencies: values or combination of values that cannot exist in the original data. These inconsistencies can be of various kinds, and there are multiple ways to resolve them.

Removing null values#

When using binning on a column, values that are not covered by the specified bins will be converted to null values during the measurement stage. Due to differentially private noise, this can lead to null values appearing in the output, even if there are none in the input data. To remove these values, the simplest option is to modify the synthetic data to convert nulls into random values instead, or remove the corresponding records entirely.

Post-processing numeric columns#

Clamping bounds specified in the clamping_bounds argument of generate_synthetic_data() are used to clamp the values of the input data before performing differentially private measurements, but they are not used during the generation stage. Therefore, it is possible that values outside the clamping bounds appear in the output data, and these values might be nonsensical (e.g. age values above 150). Just like null values, such inconsistencies can be removed after synthetic data generation, by clamping these values to fixed bounds, or removing corresponding records entirely. Note that this may add bias to the statistical properties of the synthetic data, so it is important to evalute the impact of this step by measuring utility afterwards.

Preventing impossible combination of values#

Depending on how the metadata was specified, the synthetic data might contain combinations of categorical column values that cannot appear in the original data. To prevent this, remove these values from the provided KeySet, for example using KeySet.__sub__().

generate_synthetic_data() also accepts a sum_structural_zeroes argument, which ensures that certain combinations of categorical values are always associated to a 0 value in the specified numeric column.