Understanding sensitivity#

This topic guide goes into detail on the concept of sensitivity in differential privacy.

Sensitivity is the maximum impact that a protected change can have on a query’s results. It directly impacts how much noise must be added to achieve differential privacy: the bigger the sensitivity, the more noise needs to be added to the result.

With Tumult Analytics, the type of protected change depends on whether the goal is to hide a fixed number of rows, using AddMaxRows, or arbitrarily many rows sharing the same privacy identifier, using AddRowsWithID.

A simple example of sensitivity is the explanation of clamping bounds in tutorial three: larger clamping bounds mean that a single row can have more influence, and more noise needs to be added. However, the sensitivity is not always so straightforward to estimate. In this topic guide, we will examine how different types of inputs and transformations to a query can affect its sensitivity. Understand this relationship will help you choose what transformations to use to ensure accurate results while maintaining strong privacy guarantees.

Queries on tables using AddMaxRows#

Queries on tables using the AddMaxRows or AddOneRow protected change protect the addition or removal of rows in the table. This means that any operation which changes the number of rows requires a corresponding increase to the protected change. A larger protected change corresponds to a higher sensitivity for a query, which means more noise needs to be added to the query result. Specifically, sensitivity scales linearly with the protected change.

A few operations can increase the sensitivity of a query in this way: flat maps, public joins, and private joins.

Flat maps#

A flat_map maps each input row to zero or more new rows. Consider the example from Simple transformations tutorial, where each input row is mapped to up to three new rows, using to the max_rows=3 parameter. On a per-row basis, this operation might look like this:

On the left, one row containing a list of genres. On the right, three rows, each containing one genre from the list.

In this example, the input table was initialized with the AddOneRow protected change, which is equivalent to AddMaxRows with max_rows=1. However, because the flat map can produce up to three rows for each input row, the protected change needs to be increased threefold to max_rows=3, which results in a corresponding threefold increase in sensitivity for the query.


The sensitivity of a query is not affected by the number of rows actually produced by a flat map, but only by the maximum number of rows produced by the flat map. In the example above, the sensitivity would be the same if all the input rows only had 1 or 2 genres, and no input row produced 3 output rows.

Public joins#

Suppose we have two tables, People (private table) and States (public table), which share a common column, zipcode. A public join between these tables might look like:

On top left, a private table with names, ages, and zipcodes. On top right, a public table with states and zipcodes. On the bottom, the result of a public join between the two top tables: a private table with names, ages, states, and zipcodes.

The join output contains one row for each match between the two tables. In this example, Susie’s ZIP code happens to cross state boundaries: the zipcode value 37752 appears twice in the States table! This means that Susie’s name and age appear in two rows in the output table. To hide her contribution to the joined table, we need to increase the protected change from max_rows=1 to max_rows=2. More generally, if the protected change protects \(n\) rows in the private table, and each join key value appears in at most \(m\) rows in the public table, then the sensitivity of the join is \(n * m\).


Like with flatmaps, the sensitivity increase doesn’t depend on the contents of the private table. It only depends on the contents of the public table, i.e. the number of rows in the public table with each value of the join key.

Private joins#

With private joins, both tables are private. This means that, unlike with a public table in a public join, we cannot use the contents of either table directly to determine the sensitivity: doing so would reveal information about individuals within the tables, thus violating the privacy guarantee.

Suppose we have two tables, a Users table and a Purchases table, which share a common column, user_id. Each are initialized with a protected change of AddMaxRows(max_rows=1):

On the left, a private table with names, user ids and payment information. On the right, a private table with user_ids and purchase information.

Since both tables contain sensitive information, we cannot look at the data directly to calculate the sensitivity. Therefore, we need to truncate both tables by specifying a TruncationStrategy for each. The sensitivity computation is more complicated than before:

\(\text{sensitivity} = (T_{left} * S_{right} * M_{right}) + (T_{right} * S_{left} * M_{left})\)


  • \(T_{left}\) and \(T_{right}\) are the truncation thresholds, i.e. max_rows, for the left and right tables, respectively. When using DropNonUnique, these values are always 1.

  • \(S_{left}\) and \(S_{right}\) are factors called the stability of each TruncationStrategy. These values are always 2 for DropExcess and 1 for DropNonUnique.

  • \(M_{left}\) and \(M_{right}\) are the max_rows parameters of the protected change on the left and right tables, respectively.

In this example, if we choose a truncation strategy of DropExcess(max_rows=2) for both tables, they will be truncated to include no more than two rows for each value of our join key, user_id. The private join might look something like:

On the left, a private table with names, user ids and emails. On the right, a private table with user_ids and purchase information. On the bottom, the result of a private join between the two top tables: a private table with names, user ids, emails, and purchase information.

In this case, our DropExcess() truncation strategies each had bounds of max_rows=2, and our tables each had a protected change of AddMaxRows(max_rows=1). The sensitivity of the join is then: \(\text{sensitivity} = 2 * 2 * 1 + 2 * 2 * 1 = 8\).


Even though the Users table did not actually contain more than one row per user_id, the sensitivity is still increased via the DropExcess(max_rows=2) truncation strategy. Again, this is because we don’t look at the contents of private tables directly, and instead use the information given by the TruncationStrategy for each table.


When we know that a table always contains only one row per join key, it’s preferable to use DropNonUnique, due to the smaller truncation stability. In this case, using DropNonUnique for the Users table and DropExcess(max_rows=2) for the Purchases table would have led to a join sensitivity of \(1 * 2 * 1 + 2 * 1 * 1 = 4\). Using DropExcess(max_rows=1) for the users table would have led to a sensitivity of \(1 * 2 * 1 + 2 * 2 * 1 = 6\) instead.

As you can see, tracking stability can be complicated!

Queries on tables using AddRowsWithID#

Queries on tables using the AddRowsWithID protected change protect the presence of arbitrarily many rows associated with the same privacy ID. In this case, transformations don’t change the protected change: you can perform flat maps, public joins, or private joins, and the protected change is still AddRowsWithID.

However, before running aggregations, we must use the enforce to specify truncation bounds via constraints. Constraints can be enforced at any point, but it’s generally better to specify them immediately before performing aggregations. There are two main ways to specify constraints: via a MaxRowsPerID constraint, or a combination of MaxGroupsPerID and MaxRowsPerGroupPerID. See the Summary section of tutorial 6 for a visualization of these truncation paths

The sensitivity of a query using the AddRowsWithID protected change is impacted by the type of constraint(s) used to truncate the tables, as well as the type of noise added to the data. There are three cases:

  • Using MaxRowsPerID, the sensitivity increases linearly with the truncation parameter.

  • Using MaxGroupsPerID and MaxRowsPerGroupPerID, the sensitivity depends on the type of noise added to the data.

    • With Laplace noise (the default under PureDP), the sensitivity increases like a product of the two max truncation parameters: \(sensitivity = (MaxRowsPerGroupPerID.max) * (MaxGroupsPerID.max)\)

    • With Gaussian noise (the default under rhoZCDP), the sensitivity increases like a product of the max truncation parameter for MaxRowsPerGroupPerID and the square root of the max for MaxGroupsPerID: \(sensitivity = (MaxRowsPerGroupPerID.max) * \sqrt{(MaxGroupsPerID.max)}\)

For this last case, combining MaxGroupsPerID and MaxRowsPerGroupPerID, we visualize the sensitivity in the diagram below.

Diagram giving an intuition of the sensitivity under PureDP and rhoZCDP, respectively. For small values, the sensitivity is similar, but for larger values, the sensitivity under PureDP is much higher.

Note that the sensitivity determines the noise multiplier, but different noise distributions also have different behaviors: for low sensitivity values and comparable privacy budgets, Laplace noise tends to have a smaller variance than Gaussian noise. But for large values of MaxGroupsPerID, the sensitivity used with Gaussian noise will be much larger than that of Laplace noise, and Gaussian noise will be a better choice.

For a more in-depth comparison of both kinds of noise, you can consult this blog post.

While this topic guide covers the most common cases of sensitivity tracking in Tumult Analytics, it is certainly not exhaustive. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us on our Slack server in the #library-questions channel!