
Configuration for Tumult Analytics.

This module contains various execution options for Tumult Analytics, controlling experimental features and other behavior. Most users will not need to use the options available in this module.



The current configuration of Tumult Analytics.



A flag for enabling an individual feature.


Configuration for Tumult Analytics.

class FeatureFlag(summary, default)#

A flag for enabling an individual feature.

An instance of FeatureFlag can be used as a bool, or raise_if_disabled() can raise an appropriate exception if the corresponding feature is used while the flag is disabled.

  • summary (str) –

  • default (bool) –


Enable the features controlled by this feature flag.


Disable the features controlled by this feature flag.


Reset this feature flag to its base state.


A context manager inside which this feature flag will be enabled.

When the context manager exits, the feature flag will be reset to the state it was in before entering the context manager, ignoring any changes that occurred inside the context.


A context manager inside which this feature flag will be disabled.

When the context manager exits, the feature flag will be reset to the state it was in before entering the context manager, ignoring any changes that occurred inside the context.


Raise a RuntimeError if this feature flag is not enabled.

class Config#

Configuration for Tumult Analytics.

class Features#

Toggles for experimental features in Tumult Analytics.

Most users should not need to modify these. Any features that are disabled by default are experimental and should not be used in production. Their APIs may change at any time.

A particular feature can be enabled or disabled by using the methods on its FeatureFlag instance, for example:
